This is just a quick add on from my last blog post which, if you have looked through my food for the day that I listed, you will have noticed I had quite a lot of pineapple juice. Which is yummy, but it was too much liquid for me, even though I was adding plenty of salt to my other food. A few days after I’d written the blog piece I started to feel quite unwell: my bowel movements became, erm, quite explosive, sleep was shallower, and I was clumsy and all over the place! I clocked what was happening fairly quickly and pondered what to do about it.
I decided in order to get some solid food and plenty of salt inside me I’d go back to adding a little bit of rice to a couple of meals, along with some root vegetables. This did make me feel better pretty quickly but after a couple of days I was farting a bit and my lips started to go dry around the edges again.
So I took the starch out again!! Just no need lol! I’ve just jiggled things around a bit so I don’t have a lot of liquids. I use homemade orange jelly and marshmallows quite a bit for my carbs, along with sugar in my coffee, and I’m starting to add bits of fruit in to the mix as well!
When you are hypothyroid you lose salt quite quickly and a lot of liquid will wash you out and make you feel lousy. I add salt to everything I can, but when I’m eating fruit and I’m not keen on adding salt then I’ll just add a quarter of a teaspoon to a shot glass of fruit juice and swig it down. I also use one of Nathan Hatch’s ( suggestions, which is to use sodium acetate: 1 tsp baking soda and 2 ½ tbsp white vinegar. You can find his explanation of making it at There is also tons more useful info in his book: http: // and he has a Facebook page at
I feel much better now. Last night I slept for just over 7 hours straight, but even better, when I woke up I actually felt awake. Usually it takes me 30-45 mins to wake up out of the fog!
My next experiment is to add some casein protein instead of some of the meat that I’m eating. As I’ve said before, I’d like to reduce my meat consumption so this is where the casein protein comes in whilst I work on increasing my dairy. I’ve chosen Pink Sun Organic Micellar Casein Protein Powder as it has no nasties added. Check the ingredients before you buy things as you’ll be surprised (or not!) at what gets added to your food & supplements!
I’ll update soon to let you know how I’m getting on. In the meantime you’ll find me mostly planting out my now pretty big seedlings, and cutting, sanding and painting wood for my chicken run! As always, I hope you’ve enjoyed my ramblings. Listen to your body; it’s clever, it knows!! Lol! It’s just that we often lose touch with it. Take care, Karen x