This post is in response to the messages we are bombarded with on a daily basis: that to have an acceptable bikini body you must look a certain way. Actually, it’s not even just about having a bikini body! We are constantly told that we must look a certain way to be accepted and to be worthy. Here’s just a sample (of the thousands) of magazines that encourage you to have a bikini body:
Gwyneth is apparently ‘crazy fit’ (whatever that means?) and ‘totally uncensored’! Well, erm, good for her! Can’t beat a bit of uncensoring!!?
When I first started eating proper meals again (including a healthy dose of carbs) my weight shot up by a massive 80 lbs in 6 months. It was pretty horrifying to be honest. I’ve been a size 8-10 all my life so to suddenly find myself with a sort of pregnant looking stomach, water retention all over, and buying size 18 clothes was like torture. I was no longer acceptable. I started lifting weights because I knew building muscle could help your metabolism and I wanted the weight to come off. Alas though, my stress hormones were still too high and my metabolism was barely doing anything, so all that happened was that I made myself feel ill as well as being fat. I bought stretchy clothes and tried not to think about it! My relationship didn’t help as that was falling apart due to my ex not liking the way I looked anymore.
I didn’t really start to feel comfortable until I started feeling better, and by better I mean that the anxiety had mostly gone and I had some of my energy back. This took me about 18 months. Then 6 months after that, when I moved into my own home, and had no one judging me or watching me, I started to relax.
Now that I feel a million times better, my energy is getting much better, and my head is in a really good place, I don’t give a flying monkey’s butt about my weight or what I look like! When the sun comes out (which is a monumental occasion in the UK!!) then I want to be able to enjoy it, not cover up as if I’m something to be ashamed of. So the other day, when the sun was shining brightly and the sky was beautifully blue, I donned my new bikini (a nice little bargain from Figleaves!) and spent plenty of time outside with my daughter. We snapped some pics to share with you, to show that having a ‘bikini body’ only requires a bikini and a body and an ability to ignore all the noise that comes from people protesting about the ‘fat’ or ‘inappropriately dressed' people, usually under the guise of worrying about their health!! Which makes me laugh as you can’t tell a damn thing from people’s health just by looking! Also, I haven’t asked anybody to worry about my health on my behalf thank you very much!
When I first started eating proper meals again (including a healthy dose of carbs) my weight shot up by a massive 80 lbs in 6 months. It was pretty horrifying to be honest. I’ve been a size 8-10 all my life so to suddenly find myself with a sort of pregnant looking stomach, water retention all over, and buying size 18 clothes was like torture. I was no longer acceptable. I started lifting weights because I knew building muscle could help your metabolism and I wanted the weight to come off. Alas though, my stress hormones were still too high and my metabolism was barely doing anything, so all that happened was that I made myself feel ill as well as being fat. I bought stretchy clothes and tried not to think about it! My relationship didn’t help as that was falling apart due to my ex not liking the way I looked anymore.
I didn’t really start to feel comfortable until I started feeling better, and by better I mean that the anxiety had mostly gone and I had some of my energy back. This took me about 18 months. Then 6 months after that, when I moved into my own home, and had no one judging me or watching me, I started to relax.
Now that I feel a million times better, my energy is getting much better, and my head is in a really good place, I don’t give a flying monkey’s butt about my weight or what I look like! When the sun comes out (which is a monumental occasion in the UK!!) then I want to be able to enjoy it, not cover up as if I’m something to be ashamed of. So the other day, when the sun was shining brightly and the sky was beautifully blue, I donned my new bikini (a nice little bargain from Figleaves!) and spent plenty of time outside with my daughter. We snapped some pics to share with you, to show that having a ‘bikini body’ only requires a bikini and a body and an ability to ignore all the noise that comes from people protesting about the ‘fat’ or ‘inappropriately dressed' people, usually under the guise of worrying about their health!! Which makes me laugh as you can’t tell a damn thing from people’s health just by looking! Also, I haven’t asked anybody to worry about my health on my behalf thank you very much!
I can't tell you just how freeing it is to not be bothered about how you look in a bikini and to just enjoy the day, and the feel of the sun on your skin! If you're repulsed by the look or shape of my belly then just don't look at it I guess! Lol! It's just a part of me at the moment, and it's not a part that I'm willing to let define me. We had a fab day in the sunshine, laughing and joking. Life is short so I feel time is best spent with people you love, doing things you enjoy - not worrying about chasing a 'perfect figure' goal that is mostly unattainable.
Anyway, that's my rambling over with for the day! Lol! I just hope to join in spreading the message that people are all worthy no matter how they look and should be able to wear a bikini without worrying :-)
So enjoy your day, enjoy life and enjoying wearing a bikini if you damn well want to! Feel free to share some positivity in the comments if you like - I always love to hear from people. Perhaps we can start a bikini gallery? Hope you enjoyed my ramblings! Take care x
Anyway, that's my rambling over with for the day! Lol! I just hope to join in spreading the message that people are all worthy no matter how they look and should be able to wear a bikini without worrying :-)
So enjoy your day, enjoy life and enjoying wearing a bikini if you damn well want to! Feel free to share some positivity in the comments if you like - I always love to hear from people. Perhaps we can start a bikini gallery? Hope you enjoyed my ramblings! Take care x